12:45am: We hear Finley on the monitor (3rd night in his "big-boy" crib). Dan's turn to feed him a bottle. Get up with Dan. Help warm up bottle and put bib on Finley. Use the washroom. Crawl back in bed.
3:30am: Hear Finley stirring on baby monitor. Check the video and see that his eyes are open. Get up to warm up bottle. Eat a half of a banana with peanut butter (Finley eats, I eat haha —horrible habit). Feed Finley, change him, burp him, soothe him, then put him down in his crib. Go back to bed.
6:30am: Finley's awake and hungry. Fed him, change him, burp him. He falls back to sleep, so I lay him down in his crib.
7:00am: I clean bottles, tidy up the living room, lay on the couch.
7:20am: Can't fall back to sleep, so I get up and do a core work-out in the den.
8:20am: Finley is STILL sleeping!! Crazy. I thought that he would be up by now for sure. I pick him up from his crib and lay down with him on the bed in his nursery. We cuddle. After the horrendous day we had yesterday, I made sure to enjoy every moment of his peacefulness.
8:45am: I hear Dan get up. I go out and chat with him. Brush my teeth, wash my face.
9:00am: Finley must have woke-up because Dan is soothing him while waiting for a bottle to warm-up.
9:05am: Dan feds Finley while I walk up to Starbucks to grab us two Grande Americanos. Need something a big stronger than coffee
9:30am: I get back home. We relax, chat, and enjoy our coffees together. Finley falls asleep in Dan's arms.
10:00am: Tidy up around the house a bit more: Make beds, pick-up clothes, sterilize bottles, etc.
10:15am: I go out for a walk while Finley sleeps in Dan's arms.
10:45am: I stop to Shoppers on the way back from my walk to buy baby wipes (we're out/they're essential!) and shampoo.
11:00am: I get back home. Finley is still sleeping with Dan. Mom calls. I talk to her. Her and Bridget offer to come over and watch Finley for a bit this afternoon so that I can have a break and get out of the house.
11:15am: Finley is fussy. I put him on my chest in the Baby Bjorn. I jiggle and walk around with him. Eventually he falls asleep. I get out the swifter and clean the floors while tidying up a bit more.
11:45am: Dan leaves for work :( I re-heat my coffee and check my e-mail, read blogs, etc. (Finley is still asleep in the Baby Bjorn)
12:15pm: Finley wakes-up crying. He's hungry. Get bottle ready. Fed him, change him, burp him.
12:50pm: Finley's been super gassy during/after feds lately, so he's fussy now. I put him back in the Baby Bjorn on my chest. We walk around. I read him a book. He falls asleep. I do some squats and lunges while waiting for mom and Bridget to get here haha
1:25pm: Mom and Bridget arrive. I chat with them a little bit.
1:35pm: I brush my teeth and put on "real clothes" (jeans, clean shirt).
1:45pm: I say good-bye and go out to do some errands. I go to bulk barn to get the ingredients for Energy Bites; Chapters to get a baby/new mom gift; Michaels to get a felt pen to write in Finley's baby book (line-up was ridiculously slow so I left... I knew I had limited time); Lawton's to return breast pump; Sobey's to get cheese for supper.
3:15pm: I get home and put away the things I bought. Finley is asleep in mom's arms. I chat with mom.
3:35pm: Finley wakes up hungry. I get a bottle ready so that mom can feed him. He's fussy and looks uncomfortable during the feeding. This breaks my heart. I hope it passes.
3:50pm: Mom and Bridget leave. I feed Finley the rest of his bottle and burp him. Finley falls asleep in my arms.
4:10pm: I lay Finley down on our bed. I eat a muffin, some fruit, and a handful of crackers with dip. Dan calls and I chat with him. It's nice to eat in peace for once!
5:00pm: Finley wakes up and he's fussy. I try playing with him on his play mat, but he's not having it. I strap him to my chest in the Baby Bjorn.
5:15pm: I get supper ready and put it in the oven. I also make energy bites. I talk to Finley as I do things in the kitchen. He is content in the Baby Bjorn and eventually falls asleep.
5:30pm: I clean up the kitchen, look up a few recipes, answer a few e-mails, and start to type this post.
6:00pm: I take supper out of the oven. I roll the energy bite dough into balls and store them in the refrigerator.
6:15:pm: Finley starts to get hungry, so I jiggle him a bit while getting a bottle ready.
6:20pm: I feed Finley, burp him, change him.
7:00pm: Dan gets home. He takes Finley, so I can eat supper (salads topped with goat cheese and chicken).
7:30pm: We switched roles. I take Finley and Dan eats.
7:45pm: Finley still seems hungry so I feed him two more ounces.
8:15pm: Dan walks around with Finley on his chest in the Baby Bjorn to try to get him to sleep. It doesn't work. Maybe he's still hungry? Dan feds him two more ounces.
8:45pm: Still wide eyed and bushy tailed. I strap him in the Baby Bjorn and walk around with him. I brush my teeth, wash my face, do some dishes, have a snack.
9:10pm: Finley falls asleep. I put him down in his crib.
9:20pm: Finley is making all kinds of noises (not crying, just grunting) and kicks his blanket off.
9:30pm: I go in and pick him up. We snuggle in the spare bed in his nursery. We fall asleep.
10:30pm: I wake-up, get a snack (almond butter and crackers + an energy bite).
10:45pm: I go back to bed with Finley.
12:45pm: Finley wakes-up. Dan and I tag-team this feeding and each do half.
THE END! Repeat haha
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