Our little boy is 15 weeks old. It's crazy how time has flown by so quickly. He's growing like a weed (He's wearing 9-12 month clothes —what?! How did this happen?!). It seems like he's learning something new or surprising us with something new, each and every day. We feel truly blessed to have Finley in our lives. He is such a amazingly sweet little boy who brings big smiles to our faces and tears to our eyes.
My absolute favourite time with Finley is first thing in the morning. He's a morning person like his mama, so he's usually happy, smiley, and full of energy. I love going to get him from his crib and being greeted with his beautiful smile. No matter how "rough" our night was, his smile just starts my day off on a positive note.
I also love our story time together. For the past few weeks, Finley has shown more and more interest in books while we're reading to him. Usually, he is content to sit through 2-4 books at a time. Lately, we've been reading a lot of the classic Robert Munsch books (e.g., Paperbag Princess; Boy in the Drawer; Purple, Green, and Yellow; Moira's Birthday) and Leslie Patricelli books (e.g., Toot; Huggy Kissy; Potty; Tubby) who our friends Jenn and Isaac introduced us to.
Sleep is getting better. We've had a few 5-6 hour stretches now, but for the past week, Finley has started teething (!!!), so he's been waking up a bit more frequently. I think our sleep routine has really helped. Between 7-7 30, we feed Finley, change him, put his jambes on, and read him a couple of stories, then kiss him goodnight before putting him in his crib. It seems to work like a charm (knock on wood) and he always goes to sleep on his own without much (if any) fussing. In terms of napping, they aren't really happening that much or at least not with any predictibility haha Usually Finley will have a couple of random cat naps in the morning, and one or two longer naps in the afternoon, but as I mentioned, they're really unpredictable. Also, he won't nap in his crib. He'll only nap on either Dan or I in the Baby Bjorn.
Finley rolled over for the first time on the day Dan proposed (February 20th). He rolled over three times, but he hasn't done it since. I'm wondering if he just liked the soft carpet at Nanny and Grampy's house, and felt like he could explore more safely. Finley also went swimming for the first time last week (February 25th) at the Canada Games Centre. Because he enjoys the bath so much, we thought we would give swimming a try. Well, it was a success. We were in the pool for about 20 minutes and although Finley didn't smile a lot, he didn't cry. I think he was a bit ambivalent to the whole thing, but I bet it will grow on him as we keep going each week.
Recently, Finley has been enjoying playing with a few of his toys. He especially likes Ted the turtle, Sophie the giraffe, and Arnold and Elli the elephants (yes, we may have named all of his toys;))! We seriously take Ted with us everywhere because it's his absolute favourite. Finley really enjoys chewing on his head and shell, and exploring all of the different textures on Ted. Our little boy also lovvvves looking at himself in the mirror haha It's actually super cute. He's really interested in himself, especially his feet (I think he just discovered that they're part of his body). Finley has been enjoying tummy time and sitting up more and more. In fact, I think he actually prefers to sit up rather than lay down because he can see more of his surroundings this way. He's able to bear his weight on his legs and stay standing when I hold his hands. We just did this this morning and he giggled the whole time —he was really impressed with his standing posture ;)

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