12:05 am: Ugh. Finley wakes up (his sleep hasn't been the best lately —teething... everything gets blamed on teething, right?!). I feed him a bottle. He eats only 2 oz. I go back to bed.
12.35 am: Finley wakes up again. I finish feeding him the rest of his bottle. Another 2 oz gone. I grab a drink of vitamin water and go back to bed.
4:30 am: I hear Finley crying on the monitor. I've had baby duties for the past four nights, so I send Dan in to feed the beast.
5:40 am: My alarm goes off. I brush my teeth, put in my contacts, get dressed, and head out for a run. This morning, I did 11 hill repeats up this beast, which is right by our house.
Then I head out for an easy long run. I ran up by the Exploits River for the first time. It's so beautiful and I love hearing the rapids.

At the end, I finished with 10.45 miles at a slower than normal pace because of the hill repeats.
7:15 am: I get home from my run and chug water. I hear Dan and the baby upstairs, so I go up to see them. I dress Finley and we sit on his rug for a while hanging out. He's a bit slow to wake-up in the morning so he likes lounging at first.
7:30 am: Finley goes in his exersaucer while Dan and I tidy up and make coffee.
7:50 am: Finley poops. Dan goes to change him. I make Finley some breakfast: Oatmeal with bananas mushed up.
8:00 am: We feed Finley. It's a process. He plays in between spoonfuls. We sip on coffee. Dan makes toast and jam. Family breakfast!
8:30 am: A package arrives in the mail for me. Lululemon!!!! Thanks mom :) I love getting things in the mail. It's the best, right?
8:40 am: I clean up Finley's highchair, the table, etc., and peel apples to boil and puree for Finley. Dan plays with Finley on the couch while I do this.

9:15 am: Finley eats a couple more ounces, and I lay him down for a nap.
9:30 am: I sweep and tidy the house while alternating with doing my hair and foam rolling out my legs haha Random, I know. But, multitasking is key with a little one.
10:25 am: I warm up my coffee from earlier, respond to a few texts, and start typing up this post.
10:40 am: Finley is still napping away, so I hop in the bath.
10:50 am: Finley must have woke-up because I see Dan feeding him when I come out of the bathroom. I get dressed, ready, etc.
11:10 am: We head up to Dan's parents house for a visit.
12:10 pm: Finley pooped, so we drive home. I change him, feed him some apple, play, etc.
I make a smoothie for myself (a handful of spinach, 6-7 pitted cherries, 5-6 frozen banana pieces, an ice cube, a scoop of vanilla protein powder, and almond milk in the bullet).
12:50 pm: Dan goes to work. Finley and I play. I feed him, then he goes down for a nap.
1:15 pm: "Me time". I tidy up, make a snack (including one of these dark chocolate avocado cookies with sea salt topped with a ridiculously large spoonful of almond butter ;)), sit down, surf the web, read my book.
2:00 pm: I typed up this post: Mexican Supper: Burrito Bowls.
2:10 pm: Finley wakes up and a feed him a 3 oz bottle, change him, then we go for a walk to the mail and back.
3:15 pm: Open a couple of packages that came in the mail —thanks mom! A couple of chambray shirts for the summer and some coconut oil face wash :)
3:30 pm: Dan gets home from work. We hang out, fold laundry, feed Finley avocado, watch a little bit of baseball on tv.
4:15 pm: Finley starts to get cranky, so I try putting him down for a nap. He cries. I try to feed him. He puts his finger down his throat (chewing on his fingers while teething but always puts them too far back) and throws up. I clean up the mess and Dan cleans Finley. I lay him down again. He cries. I feed him a little bit. Finally... asleep for a nap 30 minutes later.
5:00 pm: Supper time. BBQ chicken and leftover Sweet Potato and Lentil Burgers.
5:30 pm: Finley wakes up. Dan feeds him and changes him. We play afterwards. I have ice cream (x2!) haha
6:00 pm: We drive to Needs to get homemade white bread (guilty pleasure even though I've mostly ate gluten-free for 2+ years), then we stop into Dan's parents for a visit and to pick-up more laundry.
6:40 pm: We head home. Bath time for Finley. We change him, read stories, hang out on the bed, then we feed him and say good-night.
7:45 pm: I make toast and tea, but Finley STILL hasn't settled down, so I head back upstairs to feed him a couple more ounces.
8:00 pm: I eat my toast. Surf the web.
8:15 pm: I make another slice haha
8:45 pm: BED!
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