I got this fun little survey idea from The Hungry Runner Girl. Feel free to copy and paste the questions and your answers into the comments box of this post!
Ps. My foot is on the mend. I got my new sneakers in the mail yesterday and I went for a longish run on the treadmill this morning. YAY! This makes me verrrrry happy :)
1. Would you rather run along a beach path or on a mountain trail? On a mountain trail... running in the sand is 10 x more difficult for me.
2. If you could choose the flavor of gatorade at your next race’s aid stations, what would it be? I'm not a big gatorade fun, but I'd have to go with a lemon-lime flavour. I always love citrus infused drinks! My go-to choice would be water with fresh squeezed lemon.
3. If I gave you a $100 gift card to a running store, what would be the first thing that you would purchase with it? I'd put the money towards a fitness tracker. I haven't bought one... yet, but it's on my list of "wants".
4. Do you prefer to follow a training plan or wake up and decide then how far and how fast you want to run? To be honest, I like to follow a training plan because I tend to overdo it if I don't (hence the recent foot injury).
5. Would you rather start your run with the uphill and end on the downhill or start your run with the downhill and end with the uphill? I would 100% rather start my run with the uphill and end on the downhill —this rarely seems to happen though.
6. When you can’t run, what type of cross-training do you choose to do? I mix-it up a lot. I do a lot more strength training and core work along with some form of cardio. Recently, my go-to cardio machine has been the elliptical. I used to think the elliptical was pure torture, but the more I use it, the less painful and mind-numbing it becomes. It also helps if I have a good podcast to listen to or a magazine to read/look it.
7. What is your preference—> Out and back, point to point or loop runs? Point to point or loop runs. I absolutely hate out and back runs. I need change of scenery on my runs... somehow it makes the run go faster/seem easier.
8. If you could recommend ANY running related item to a new runner, it would be a—> Good pair of sneakers that are light but have support.
9. Do you ever see any wild animals while out on your runs? haha Since moving to Newfoundland last month, I have seen a moose on the side of the road (on a very early morning run). Luckily a lady hauled over and warned me before I got to it or else I would have pooped my pants!
10. Ever gotten lost while out on a run? Um. Yes. When we travel, I like exploring cities by going for runs. Sometimes I just end up running in circles haha On my first run in Grand Falls-Windsor, I thought I would be brave and venture over to Windsor ("the other side of the tracks") and I totally got lost. 10 miles later, I made it home haha
11. If you could have one meal waiting and ready for you each time you got home from a run for the next 30 days… what would that meal be? This one is tough. I honestly think I would go with a big smoothie and toast with peanut butter. I know, boring, right? It just hits the spot every. single. time.
12. Capris or shorts… what do you run in most often? Shorts unless it's cold outside.
13. At what mile (or how many minutes) into your run does your body start to feel like it is warming up and ready to go? Unfortunately, this doesn't happen until mile 3 or 4 for me. The first two miles are always the hardest.
14. What do you do with your key when you run? I put it in the little zipper pocket in my shorts or capris. Usually, I don't have to take one though.
15. If you could relive any race that you have done in the past, which one what it be? My first bluenose half marathon. It was great weather and so many people were on-course, cheering.
16. What type of run is your least favorite type of run? Short fast runs or tempo runs.
17. What has been your biggest motivation lately to get out the door to get your run on? Well, I haven't been running outside much lately, but typically the sun and fresh air gets me out the door pretty quickly. Running is just a nice "break" for me, so it's not too hard for me to get motivated to go, especially if it's nice outside.
18. When you go for a run, do you leave right from your front door or do you drive somewhere to start? I almost always leave right from our front door.
19. When running in daylight—> are sunglasses a must or an annoyance? I find they are an annoyance. Mine always end up slipping down my nose, so I run sans sunglasses. Ball caps are a good substitute though ;)
20. When you get tired, what keeps you from quitting? Breaking down the rest of the run into smaller achievable steps! Like if I have 3 miles left, I'll break into down into 6 x 0.5 miles. Running can be a bit of a mental game you play with yourself.
Have a great weekend!!
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